AmigaOS3.5 (677/967)

Date:20 May 2000 at 12:26:00
Subject:Re: Help with 3.5 Update!

Hello, Bill.

You wrote at 20-Mai-00 concerning "*[amigaOS3_5] Help with 3.5 Update!*":

BW> THEN I repeated the whole procedure, including the drive
BW> formatting, and this time after copying over the existing boot
BW> drive I went for the 3.1-on-the-CD update rout to ensure I was
BW> attempting to update over the most-current version of the OS. This
BW> of course wreaked havoc with the startup-seq and user-startup and
BW> prevented access to the CD-ROM, whether or not I (on a SUBSEQUENT
BW> re-try) followed the procedure to make sure the CD driver was
BW> installed first.

Did you install CacheCDFS from the original OS3.5 cd rom?
(As far I can remember, I had similar difficulties,
because the cd0 there is only an icon!)

First have a look at Devs:DosDrivers/cd0 on your HD
and check if there is a real mountlist entry file.

Regards, Armin

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